2. Title: “Maximum lateral resistance envelope in piles through the dynamic loading test with increasing energy” |
Student: Rafael Marin Valverde |
Advisor: Faiçal Massad |
Defense Date: 12/7/2017 |
8. Title: “Vertical pipe buckling triggered by internal pressure resulting from the transport of oil and natural gas: theoretical discussions and geometrically nonlinear analysis using the finite element method” |
Student: Marina Vendl Craveiro |
Advisor: Alfredo Gay Neto |
Defense Date: 10/23/2017 |
12. Title: “Parameters of compacted residual soils in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo – comparison with data from other locations in Brazil” |
Student: Beatriz Herter Pozzebon |
Advisor: Faiçal Massad |
Defense Date: 9/15/2017 |
14. Title: “Synthesis and characterization of conductive membrane for water and effluent treatment” |
Student: Alessandra Piaia |
Advisor: José Carlos Mierzwa |
Defense Date: 08/29/2017 |
18. Title: “Recovery of nitrogen and phosphorus in the form of struvite from sludge generated in a biological sewage treatment process” |
Student: Juan Carlos Lopez Carmona |
Advisor: Roque Passos Piveli |
Defense Date: 06/20/2017 |
23. Title: “The influence of Design Day variables, considered in the simulation with Energyplus and disregarded by NBR15575 / 2013, in the results of thermal performance of buildings” |
Student: Karina Gonzaga Kubo |
Advisor: Brenda Chaves Coelho Leite |
Defense Date: 4/12/2017 |
24. Title: “Fluid mud and nautical bottom – concept and application in the Port Complex of Itajaí, SC” |
Student: Lucas Martins Pion |
Advisor: Paolo Alfredini |
Defense Date: 4/11/2017 |
25. Title: “Tunnels excavated in the ground by a tunneling machine: conceptualization, massif behavior and numerical modeling” |
Student: Gustavo Aguiar |
Advisor: José Jorge Nader |
Defense Date: 4/6/2017 |
26. Title: “Diagnosis and systematization of strategies for the management of household waste applicable to urban planning policies” |
Student: Ricardo Tierno |
Advisor: Karin Regina de Castro Marins |
Defense Date: 04/04/2017 |
28. Title: “Proposal of technical and environmental criteria for the creation of a soil bank for the metropolitan region of São Paulo” |
Student: Karen Kataguiri |
Advisor: Sérgio Cirelli Angulo |
Defense Date: 03/21/2017 |