Coordenação do programa
Coordenadores do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil
Prof. Dr. Alfredo Gay Neto | coordenador
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Cirelli Angulo | vice-coordenador
Representantes de área
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Cirelli Angulo – Representante da área de Engenharia da Construção Civil e Urbana
Prof. Dr. Alfredo Gay Neto – Representante da área de Engenharia de Estruturas
Prof. Dr. José Orlando Avesani Neto – Representante da área de Engenharia Geotécnica
Prof. Dr. José Carlos Mierzwa – Representante da área de Engenharia Hidráulica e Ambiental
Comissão Coordenadora do Programa (CCP)
Mensalmente a CCP se reúne para analisar e deliberar sobre assuntos do Programa. Veja aqui as datas das reuniões da CCP
Membros da CCP
Prof. Dr. Joaquin Ignacio Bonnecarrère Garcia | titular
Prof. Dr. José Rodolfo Scarati Martins | suplente
Prof. Dr. Alfredo Gay Neto | titular
Prof. Dr. Rafael Giuliano Pileggi | suplente
Prof. Dr. Guilherme Rosa Franzini | titular
Profa. Dra. Rachel Biancalana Costa | suplente
Prof. Dr. José Carlos Mierzwa | titular
Prof. Dr. Sidney Seckler Ferreira Filho | suplente
Profa. Dra. Leila Cristina Meneghetti Valverdes | titular
Prof. Dr. Eduardo de Morais de Barreto Campello | suplente
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Cirelli Angulo | titular
Prof. Dr. Marcos Massao Futai | suplente
Profa. Dra. Karin Regina de Castro Marins | titular
Prof. Dr. Cheng Liang Yee| suplente
Prof. Dr. Luís Antônio Guimarães Bitencourt Júnior | titular
Prof. Dr. Antonio Domingues de Figueiredo | suplente
Coordinators of the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Cirelli Angulo | coordinator
Prof. Dr. José Carlos Mierzwa | vice coordinator
Program Coordinating Commission (CCP)
CCP meets monthly to analyze and deliberate on matters related to the Program.
See here the dates of the meetings of the CCP
CCP Members – Program Coordinating Committee
Prof. Dr. Antonio Domingues de Figueiredo | holder
Prof. Dr. Fernando Akira Kurokawa | alternate
Profa. Dr. Maria Eugênia Gimenez Bosvcov | Holder – Representative of Geotechnical Engineering Department
Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Provasi | alternate
Prof. Dr. Guilherme Rosa Franzini | Holder – Representative of Structural Engineering area
Prof. Dr. Alfredo Gay Neto | alternate
Prof. Dr. Cheng Liang Yee | holder –
Profa. Dr. Karin Regina de Castro Marins | alternate
Prof. Dr. Luís Antônio Guimarães Bitencourt Junior | holder
Prof. Dr. Ruy Marcelo de Oliveira Pauletti | alternate
Prof. Dr. José Carlos Mierzwa | Holder – Representative area of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering
Prof. Dr. Sidney Seckler Ferreira Filho | alternate
Prof. Dr. Eduardo de Morais de Barreto Campello | holder
Profa. Dr. Leila Cristina Meneghetti Valverdes | alternate
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Cirelli Angulo | Holder – Representative of the Civil and Urban Construction Engineering Department
Prof. Dr. Marcos Massao Futai | alternate –
Tiago Fernandes Moherdaui (student representative at CCP) | holder
Henrique Chiaradia Falcão Cursi (student representative at CCP) | alternate
Maria Cristina Santana Pereira (student representative at CCP) | holder
Fabio Ferreira Nogueira (student representative at CCP) | alternate
Coordinators of the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Cirelli Angulo | coordinator
Prof. Dr. José Carlos Mierzwa | vice coordinator
Program Coordinating Commission (CCP)
CCP meets monthly to analyze and deliberate on matters related to the Program.
See here the dates of the meetings of the CCP
CCP Members – Program Coordinating Committee
Prof. Dr. Antonio Domingues de Figueiredo | holder
Prof. Dr. Fernando Akira Kurokawa | alternate
Profa. Dr. Maria Eugênia Gimenez Bosvcov | Holder – Representative of Geotechnical Engineering Department
Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Provasi | alternate
Prof. Dr. Guilherme Rosa Franzini | Holder – Representative of Structural Engineering area
Prof. Dr. Alfredo Gay Neto | alternate
Prof. Dr. Cheng Liang Yee | holder –
Profa. Dr. Karin Regina de Castro Marins | alternate
Prof. Dr. Luís Antônio Guimarães Bitencourt Junior | holder
Prof. Dr. Ruy Marcelo de Oliveira Pauletti | alternate
Prof. Dr. José Carlos Mierzwa | Holder – Representative area of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering
Prof. Dr. Sidney Seckler Ferreira Filho | alternate
Prof. Dr. Eduardo de Morais de Barreto Campello | holder
Profa. Dr. Leila Cristina Meneghetti Valverdes | alternate
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Cirelli Angulo | Holder – Representative of the Civil and Urban Construction Engineering Department
Prof. Dr. Marcos Massao Futai | alternate –
Tiago Fernandes Moherdaui (student representative at CCP) | holder
Henrique Chiaradia Falcão Cursi (student representative at CCP) | alternate
Maria Cristina Santana Pereira (student representative at CCP) | holder
Fabio Ferreira Nogueira (student representative at CCP) | alternate
Coordinators of the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Cirelli Angulo | coordinator
Prof. Dr. José Carlos Mierzwa | vice coordinator
Program Coordinating Commission (CCP)
CCP meets monthly to analyze and deliberate on matters related to the Program.
See here the dates of the meetings of the CCP
CCP Members – Program Coordinating Committee
Prof. Dr. Antonio Domingues de Figueiredo | holder
Prof. Dr. Fernando Akira Kurokawa | alternate
Profa. Dr. Maria Eugênia Gimenez Bosvcov | Holder – Representative of Geotechnical Engineering Department
Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Provasi | alternate
Prof. Dr. Guilherme Rosa Franzini | Holder – Representative of Structural Engineering area
Prof. Dr. Alfredo Gay Neto | alternate
Prof. Dr. Cheng Liang Yee | holder –
Profa. Dr. Karin Regina de Castro Marins | alternate
Prof. Dr. Luís Antônio Guimarães Bitencourt Junior | holder
Prof. Dr. Ruy Marcelo de Oliveira Pauletti | alternate
Prof. Dr. José Carlos Mierzwa | Holder – Representative area of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering
Prof. Dr. Sidney Seckler Ferreira Filho | alternate
Prof. Dr. Eduardo de Morais de Barreto Campello | holder
Profa. Dr. Leila Cristina Meneghetti Valverdes | alternate
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Cirelli Angulo | Holder – Representative of the Civil and Urban Construction Engineering Department
Prof. Dr. Marcos Massao Futai | alternate –
Tiago Fernandes Moherdaui (student representative at CCP) | holder
Henrique Chiaradia Falcão Cursi (student representative at CCP) | alternate
Maria Cristina Santana Pereira (student representative at CCP) | holder
Fabio Ferreira Nogueira (student representative at CCP) | alternate
Coordinators of the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Cirelli Angulo | coordinator
Prof. Dr. José Carlos Mierzwa | vice coordinator
Program Coordinating Commission (CCP)
CCP meets monthly to analyze and deliberate on matters related to the Program.
See here the dates of the meetings of the CCP
CCP Members – Program Coordinating Committee
Prof. Dr. Antonio Domingues de Figueiredo | holder
Prof. Dr. Fernando Akira Kurokawa | alternate
Profa. Dr. Maria Eugênia Gimenez Bosvcov | Holder – Representative of Geotechnical Engineering Department
Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Provasi | alternate
Prof. Dr. Guilherme Rosa Franzini | Holder – Representative of Structural Engineering area
Prof. Dr. Alfredo Gay Neto | alternate
Prof. Dr. Cheng Liang Yee | holder –
Profa. Dr. Karin Regina de Castro Marins | alternate
Prof. Dr. Luís Antônio Guimarães Bitencourt Junior | holder
Prof. Dr. Ruy Marcelo de Oliveira Pauletti | alternate
Prof. Dr. José Carlos Mierzwa | Holder – Representative area of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering
Prof. Dr. Sidney Seckler Ferreira Filho | alternate
Prof. Dr. Eduardo de Morais de Barreto Campello | holder
Profa. Dr. Leila Cristina Meneghetti Valverdes | alternate
Prof. Dr. Sérgio Cirelli Angulo | Holder – Representative of the Civil and Urban Construction Engineering Department
Prof. Dr. Marcos Massao Futai | alternate –
Tiago Fernandes Moherdaui (student representative at CCP) | holder
Henrique Chiaradia Falcão Cursi (student representative at CCP) | alternate
Maria Cristina Santana Pereira (student representative at CCP) | holder
Fabio Ferreira Nogueira (student representative at CCP) | alternate